Lição nº 6















My house


Ginger lives in a house in the house. Here are a few rooms she has in her house.


1.- Listen, repeat & learn!



Bedroom   Bathroom   Kitchen
Living room   Dining room   Garden


2.- Mouth Gymnastics


We are going to practice a very important sound in English.

Listen and repeat.



2.a. Listen and tick v which words contain the /u:/ sound.

(Para ver as respostas fazer click no texto; duplo click volta a posição original)


3.- You are going to listen to a conversation between Duke & Ginger

Listen and answer the questions below.



Duke: Which street do you live in Ginger?
Ginger: I live in Flower Street. Which street do you live in?
Duke: I live in Warwick Street. What is your house like Ginger?
Ginger: It is quite big.
Duke: How many bedrooms are there?
Ginger: There are six bedrooms.
Duke: Your house is very big!
Ginger: How many bedrooms are there in your house?
Duke: There are three bedrooms.
Ginger: Your house is quite big then!
Duke: How many bathrooms are there?
Ginger: Two. How many bathrooms are there in your house?
Duke: Just one.
Ginger: Which is your favourite room in the house?
Duke: My favourite room is the kitchen.
Ginger: Why?
Duke: Because in the kitchen I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner!
Ginger: Haha. My favourite room is the living room.
Duke: Why?
Ginger: Because in the living room there’s a television and a computer. I watch
television every night and I also play on the computer every afternoon.




3.a. Complete the table with the correct information about Duke and Ginger.


4.- Present Simple (regular verbs)

4.a. In the dialogue below, there are 3 examples of present simple regular verbs. Can you find them?


Here are some regular verbs. Regular present simple verbs always have the same endings.

With ‘he’, ‘she’ o ‘it’ we add a ‘s’ at the end of the verb. Fos exemple‘she lives’.


4.b. Complete the table for the verb ‘to eat’. Remember the verb is exactly the same as the other regular verbs ?

Verb: to eat


4.c. Match the sentences with their correct translation.

4.d. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.


5.- Practice

Answer the questions:

Which street do you live in?

How many bedrooms are there in your house?

How many bathrooms are there in your house?

Which is your favourite room in your house?
