Lesson 10







1.- Label the animals

(Para ver as respostas fazer click na linha; duplo click volta a posição original)



2.- How many?



(Para ver as respostas fazer click no texto; duplo click volta a posição original)


3.- Find the following course objects

Rubber / Pen / Pencil / Notebook / Ruler

(Para ver as respostas fazer click na tabela; duplo click volta a posição original)



4.- Put the following months into the correct order

January - March - August - June - December - September - February - April - October - November - May - July

(Para ver as respostas fazer click na linha; duplo click volta a posição original)


5.- Answer the following question:

When’s your birthday?

My birthday is in _____________



6.- Find the words related to the family

Pen / Mum / Dog / Notebook / Grandmother / Duck / Three / Uncle / Chair / January / Dad / Birthday / Orange / Grandfather / Green / Aunt / Cousin /
Yellow / Sister / Brother

(Para ver as respostas fazer click na linha; duplo click volta a posição original)



7.- Copy the family words from the previous exercise. Write the names of your family.

(Para ver as respostas fazer click na tabela; duplo click volta a posição original)


8.- Write a few sentences about my dad

(Para ver as respostas fazer click na linha; duplo click volta a posição original)

