Lição nº 18















Getting to know Foxy (1)



In this lesson and the next lesson, you are going to get to know me better?. You are also going to learn how to make questions in English. Let’s begin!


1.- Match the questions about Foxy to her answers

(Para ver as respostas fazer click no texto; duplo click volta a posição original)


2.- Ginger is going to ask Foxy some more questions to get to know her better

Listen and then answer the questions.



Ginger: Hi Foxy!
Foxy: Hi Ginger!
Ginger: To get to know you better, I am going to ask you some questions. Are you ready?
Foxy: Yes, I am.
Ginger: Where do you go to school?
Foxy: I go to school in Hertfordshire.
Ginger: What are your favourite subjects?
Foxy: My favourite subjects are Geography and Science.
Ginger: Geography is my favourite subject too! What is your least favourite subject?
Foxy: I hate Maths!
Ginger: How many subjects do you study?
Foxy: I study 8 different subjects.
Ginger: When do you start school?
Foxy: I start school at half past eight.
Ginger: When do you finish school?
Foxy: I finish school at three o’clock.
Ginger: Thank you Foxy. That’s all the questions I want to ask you for now!




2.a. Fill in the gaps with the correct question word

Where / When / What / How many


2.b. Answer the following questions about Foxy. Use complete sentences.


3.- Vocabulary: School subjects

Listen, repeat & learn!



Mathematics (maths)
  Physical Education (PE)
  Religious Education


3.a. Find the school subjects


4.- Question

When we make questions in English, we usually start the question with a question word. Look at the following table.

Listen, repeat and learn!


* - An uncountable noun is a noun which you cannot count e.g. ice cream, money, water, etc.

** - A countable noun is a noun which you can count e.g. people, dolls, oranges, etc. .

5.- Look at the following nouns. Are they countable or uncountable?


6.- Your turn to answer some questions!

Answer the following questions about you.

Where do you go to school?
What are your favourite subjects?
What is your least favourite subject?
How many subjects do you study?
When do you start school?
When do you finish school?

Good work!